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Maryada Purshottam - Always Stay with the Father #13

Maryada_Purshottam_13 Mohini_Didi September 13, 2022

Om Shanti Everyone!

Baba is explaining that we are the direct creation, so our attainment is higher than all other souls, and Baba is explaining so well, that everyone gets mukti and jivanmukti. Every soul gets jivanmukti, but there is a difference between our jivanmukti and the jivanmukti of other souls. When we are in the Golden Age, everyone is pure and everyone is in a Golden stage, everyone is happy. Then there is jivanmukti also in the Copper Age, but some souls are in jivanmukti, and others are still in their bondage. So it is the same, like you are happy but you see souls around and they are not happy. You are pure, but it’s not that all the souls are pure. There is a difference, jivan mukti is also in Kaliyug, but that quality of jivanmukti and the jivanmukti of the Golden Age is completely different. When you see the Kalpa tree, you see that every branch has four colors because every religion goes through golden, silver, copper, iron. Ours is in the trunk. So we are deities. Those in the Copper Age, even if they are in Jivanmukti, they will not be completely.

Why is Baba explaining about our attainments? To have this awareness, intoxication, I am Baba’s direct creation. Just experience your fortune that God came and adopted you as a child, so we become the direct creation. Everyone must be very joyful about it and then, not only is He the Creator, but our whole Brahmin life, He gives His company to us. Baba used to give an example that parents always, when children are small, hold their hand but the child tries to get away, he doesn’t want parents to hold hands. So, Baba always gives us company, but we get some attraction, some pulls, sometimes a desire, and we get separated from Baba. Then we say, “Whatever I eat, what difference does it make?” You cannot think this when you are with Baba, because you want pure food, you want Brahma Bhojan. When you are not with Baba, it’s very easy to break maryadas. Our reasoning is, there is nothing wrong in that it is vegetarian. For Amritvela, many say, “Can’t we do it at 5 o’ clock? Why do we have to wake up at quarter to 4?” In this way, the mind starts working in such a way that we can easily drift away from our maryadas.

So, the company of Baba will help us to follow all maryadas in a very easy way. Just think of Baba’s virtue, think of Baba’s powers, any relationship with Baba, any point of knowledge, what Baba says. Didi Manmohini used to tell us that even when you think what Baba said this morning, that is remembrance of Baba. Actually, that is why, when we read Murli, we revise Murli, we sit together and we share Murli points, that’s remembrance of Baba. It’s not only that you just sit and say, “Baba you are a point of light.” It is really lovely and joyful remembrance the whole day. I think the majority of you think about your fourth subject called Godly service. Service is in English, but actually in Hindi, it is ‘seva’. Like in lokik also you will do seva of your parents, of your family, but here when Baba comes, He creates a family, but He also creates a big yagya for unlimited service. So one is, family served, wherever we are, those of us who are at the centers, so we are few brothers and sisters. So we share our duties, we share our responsibilities. Also, we share making bhog, bringing bhog, cooking Brahma bhojan, helping to clean, any kind of service towards the Yagya.

Even when we are remembering Baba, it’s really good service too. When we are in remembrance, then those thoughts and vibrations reach others also. It is the same as karma yoga, the use of time and body. Some don’t like karma yoga. I remember that Brahma Baba then Dadis used to say one hermit, a sanyasi, came to Madhuban and also people from many good families came. Baba would tell them that first you have to go and wash dishes, and you have to sweep and mop the floor. So this bhavna of seva towards the Yagya, love for Baba is by serving. I love Baba but I cannot do anything, that’s not true love. There are some mothers, some brothers, that when new fruits will come, they say they have to offer bhog to Baba first. So, every wednesday they think like that, it’s out of love, you serve the yagya, it’s not that you must, not by force. Whatever we are using for Baba in a way got insured, so you will get many times more. It increases, it never decreases, to serve all different ways. Once Baba said, “What is service?” If your father is a judge, how many times will you say, “Oh, my father is a judge!” So, it is the same as giving the introduction of Baba. You don’t introduce God, but your Father. So, it should be very natural to give the message. We shouldn’t even call it a message. You are talking about your Father, and I remember once or twice, a person said, “I really felt that He is really your father.” I said, “He is. I am talking about Him.” So service is not about knowledge. You introduce your Father. Now, when we tell someone what Rajyoga is, it is remembrance of the Father. So, if you make it in a very natural way, service is something that happens. These days we have a lot of planning and programs but in the olden days it was just giving Father’s introduction, how to remember Baba, how to have a quality life, divine virtues and what you learn, serve, others learn also. It’s very easy to inspire them, to sow the seeds, to offer bhog, to be loving, whatever we learn, we speak about that and what we speak, others also do it. So, everyone should look forward to doing yagya seva, family service, very willingly and happily. So it is an important subject.

Om Shanti

Mohini Didi & Sis. Shireen chitchat

Sis Shireen: Om shanti everyone! The thing that Didi was talking about was yagya seva and karma yoga. I remember hearing Dadis stories, like Nirmal Shanta dadi. Nirmal shanta dadi was Brahma Baba’s lokik daughter and she was from a really big family. She grew up like a princess and when she was asked to clean dishes or something, dishes were so big that she would just go into dishes and scrub. So you hear stories like that. It is so inspiring to do yagya seva. One of the things that Didi was talking about is, it has to come from this place of bhavna and this place of bhavna for yagya, and I feel it has to be regular. It can’t be once in 2 months that I have bhavna for Baba and I show up, but this thing of coming to Baba, coming to yagya, center or something, doing something regularly. Om shanti Didi, How are you doing?

Mohini Didi: Om shanti, very good!

Sis Shireen: I had a question as soon as you spoke. You were talking about how when people, if they were from a special family or this hermit came, they were asked to clean the dishes and mop the floor. My question is what is the role of that kind of seva in our purification?

Mohini Didi: Dadi Janki used to say that if you want to wash off your sins, then wash the dishes. She always used to say, “Wash dishes, wash your sins away!” It’s the ego, basically breaking ego, body consciousness. I found that the Dadis did this very naturally. Once myself and Dadi Gulzar were traveling and we went to many countries. Dadi Gulzar didn’t know cooking but she used to like it. So I would make fried roti, paratha. So she said, “Can you give me a spoon so that I can turn it over?” I am cooking and she will be standing there all the time to see if she can give her hand. She never got a chance to cook, like we all got a chance at the center or in the family. She was nine years old when she came. They all had a very natural feeling of sharing in every karma yoga, everything. Many things she didn’t know, she would sit together with us and she wanted to do it. Baba himself, you have seen, he would sit with others to clean the grains and make the pillows. These days service is to sit on the computer, plan programs, give lectures, but yagya seva is different than that!

Sis. Shireen: Didi more than anything, I am concerned about the souls who are on zoom. I feel that they should find the way to the center, because that’s the yagya, that’s where they are going to purify themselves.

Mohini Didi: I think they are starting. You have to inspire them. It’s alright during COVID, but now whatever, whenever they have any opportunities they should go to Baba’s yagya center to listen to Murli, do some seva there. It's very important.

Sis Shireen: My next question is about regularity, you were talking about how there is bhavna, there is fruit you bring it and you bring it every Wednesday. Let’s say you come in once every two months, what do you think of that?

Mohini Didi: At least we say for Madhuban, there was one condition, if you are a regular student. So a point came that we realized for some it’s not practical, so at least Thursdays and Sundays, two days at least, they should go to the center. In London also, when we started, people were not able to come and Dadi Janki said to come Thursday and Sunday, at least twice a week you should come. So that’s what I will call it regular as regular, not once in a month, at least twice a week is important and it’s not that you have to bring fruit every time. All the centers have a team, a group of five and they take turns, some bring Thursday, some bring Sunday. More people come on Sunday, so we offer bhog on Sunday also. So that’s fine. It’s not that they have to bring something every time. I am giving an example of one mother in London. Whatever happens on Wednesday, she will bring new fruit that has come in the market. She would say, “Before I take it home, I want to take it to Baba’s Home.” You know deep bhavna, that is what it is!

Sis. Shireen: It is so inspiring when you hear the stories like that you want to do this for Baba, because their bhavna inspires our bhavna and the other one of the things that you were talking about is yagya seva and karma yoga. What is the difference?

Let’s say I am sweeping the floor in my house, I live in the center but if someone is sweeping the floor at their house, would we call that karma yoga?

Mohini Didi: They will say I am busy, I am doing karma yoga that is their lokik responsibility, they have to do it, but basically it is when they come to the center which is also a small yagya. Whatever they do there is called yagya seva. Otherwise, they buy food for the family, they cook, we can’t call it yagya seva. What they have to do as a family duty that is separate. Yagya seva is separate and it requires some bhavna and sacrifice sometimes.

Sis. Shireen: and consistency also.

Mohini Didi: Some centers are small, some are big like Harmony House is a big hall, needs to be vacuumed, and the kitchen is big, and so much of cooking bhog also. Some souls come very regularly and they come on Wednesday, they sweep it, mop it so Thursday we can offer bhog. Of course, they get a lot of blessings not only from the sisters, but also you know somewhere Baba gives them something extra.

Sis. Shireen: That’s so important to remember Didi that yagya seva really brings blessings. You can live on zoom, that's wonderful but if you really want blessing, you should do yagya seva.

Mohini Didi: Also it becomes unlimited seva because Baba’s children will come and see places are very clean and it inspires them. Everyone receives blessings from the heart. So whether it is keeping the place clean, or making bhog. We have one Sister who for 28 years, she comes on a two hour drive and she makes bhog every Sunday. So even if she fell she got alright, many things happened to her, but her body remains very good. There are many who are very committed and they make sure that bhog is made, specially at big centers, bhog is a lot, it’s not only for few people. We are able to do it with the help of mothers and brothers. When the bhog finishes, there are so many pots, then they have to put away the pots. They have formed a big team here. Before they leave, they do everything, they put it back, all the pots. I think that it's good to do things together as a group, as a team. There are mothers, they do cooking, and brothers help with the pots. Everyone does whatever they can do. There are some they don’t, which is not good, a little burden on the soul.

Sis. Shireen: That’s what I am hearing Didi, when you are saying that Baba’s task gets done. People will come, people will do, but if you want to progress then you have to make yourself available in the yagya, not just on zoom. One last question, I was thinking about when you were talking about the Kalpa tree, what is your favorite picture of all Baba’s pictures?

Mohini Didi: Which one do I like? I have to like all three, all are connected, but of course the Kalpa tree to explain is very good. The seed is one, then the trunk of one religion, then all the religions are branches. On the path of bhakti these days, everyday there is a new spiritual leader, a new motivational story teller, a new Guru ,because they are like twigs. Baba says there are a lot of branches. So if we have knowledge of the Kalpa tree, it’s very easy to relate to these things. Otherwise, people will say, “Oh, what is this religion about?” Baba has said it will happen and those who are green leaves in the fresh trees are more attractive than the old trunk. Baba also says that you have to make more effort because you are changing from impure to pure. For other religions, they are coming from up above. They don’t have to make any efforts, souls keep coming from up above, but here you have to purify them. So that is why it takes time. It doesn’t spread like many other organizations or the path of devotion. There are so many, their lectures have 100,000 immediately because of their attraction.

Sis. Shireen: Thank you so much!

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