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Be a jewel of contentment #13

Jewel_of_Contentment_13         Mohini_Didi       December 13, 2024

Om Shanti! 

It's the holidays, a time for celebrations. Baba wants us to be very clean. Many people asked Dadi Janki about purity and how to have a clean heart. Today's Baba’s Avyakti signal is about clean attitude, clean heart, clean feelings. There are two words: for truth ‘sachai’ and then they say ‘safai’. So what is safai? I was thinking about today's Avyakti signal where Baba is saying that we should be altruistic, innocent in attitude, and have elevated vision. Ignorance is like darkness. Being naive is also a lack of knowledge, but innocence is different. Like for Baba, we say that He is the Innocent Lord. It's a very good quality of being innocent. That means you're not holding anything in your attitude or drishti towards anyone of their falls or their shortcomings or their limits, because sometimes there is also a limit and it might not even be a weakness. Understanding of each other in such a way, just imagine what kind of relationships there would be with this kind of cleanliness. Baba says that contented souls will always experience everyone to be altruistic and innocent. That is free from blame. Generally, there is a saying that when everything goes right, then I am the one who decided, and when something goes wrong, I was telling, but this one wouldn't do it. So our fingers are always pointing towards someone else. I always remember Dadi saying that when you point towards someone, one finger is towards someone but all the other fingers are towards your own self. So Baba is saying it's very deep. Contented souls will always experience everyone to be altruistic and innocent. Innocent, Baba is saying, is free from blame. They would never blame anyone for anything. They wouldn’t blame the Bestower of Fortune. A lot of people blame God for everything. They say that God gives sorrow, but also they consider it as holy food, prasad, and accept it and go through that happily. Any suffering comes as punishment from God. Baba says, “Why would I punish now? Your own negativity is a suffering for your own self.” When you are negative, then a lot of wasteful thoughts come. Internally you get tired, frustrated, and hopeless. That is why I was saying that they would never blame anyone for anything. They wouldn't even blame the Bestower of Fortune nor the Drama or any person, not even the karmic account of their own body. When you go through pain, then you say, “What have I done?” What this body has done must be some karmic account from the body. So we start blaming the body. My body is like that anyway. They will always have an altruistic, innocent attitude and vision. 

So real purity is where you're clean, because when there are still karmic accounts, then there are differences, there is conflict, it’s like good and bad. Finally, if you're really using the fire of yoga, all these traces of karmic accounts, traces of vices, they all get erased. So deep innocence will create silence. Silence is really the best way. If I can be in silence, there will be contentment also. So I think it's very clear, interesting, and of course, effort is attention. To have constant attention on the self, that's what my effort is, and it is the same for everyone. So when there is tension, Baba said that there is no self-sovereignty. Everything is under control and order, then whatever direction I give, all will function accordingly. So always be altruistic and innocent, no blame. Blame also is a kind of victim’s attitude. Somewhere you feel defeated or you feel ignored or something. You are not heard, something is there that you are blaming, someone else. So these subtle attitudes are definitely from body consciousness, and we live the life of actions including vices, creating all these subtle attitudes. So they have to be erased, they have to be transformed. So we all will pay attention so that the quality of our effort. So to be clean is taking a good number. 

Om Shanti 

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