Liberation_ in_ life_21 Mohini Didi December 21, 2023
Om Shanti
Happy Satguruvar! I am sure each one of you experiences Baba’s love, Baba’s lap, Baba’s blessings, and I am sure each one of you must have realized what it requires to experience God's love. Did you all experience this? Baba says everything is so subtle, so incognito. To have constant experience during the day, our intellect has to go beyond and maintain the awareness of whose task is this. It's not that I have to do so much, there is work to do. There are so many things. If there is this awareness that it’s Baba’s task, then as a karma yogi, there will be lightness, there will be a lot of feelings of what we are receiving from Baba. So singing with happiness, dancing, we will do Baba’s tasks, right? That's how it should be like. Sometimes it's overwhelming. Many of you have lokik jobs and you want to be present in Avyakti parivar immediately. If there is right awareness, then the experience at every step is what we are receiving from Baba. Otherwise, it's like I keep doing it, but this should be like what I'm receiving all the time. When there is receiving, there is lightness, there is joy, there is happiness. The Confluence Age is really where we have to be with God, and constantly just feel His presence. When we do that, then others around us can also have that experience. If I am enjoying my attainments, then others look at my face, my vibrations, my presence and they start experiencing the attainments also. Maybe at present, this is the effort that is required to experience closeness to Baba. In the intellect, we have faith that we have to celebrate that meeting with Baba all the time, and this definitely will help us to have lots of enthusiasm. Otherwise, naturally, it's a lot to do so our body feels tired and the intellect would feel tired.
Sometimes it does happen that you just want to have deep silence of the intellect; you don't want to even think. So why not give ourselves that time either during traffic control, instead of three minutes, you do 10 minutes. Our intellect is pulled into actions and sometimes we don't even do three minutes. So, Baba has given us timetables, practices in such a way, that we can remain charged. We can remain full of power, love, and be very joyful and happy. So, when there is enthusiasm, there will be success. So keep adding wherever it's possible, the word Baba. Just keep adding Baba’s task, Baba’s family, Brahma bhojan, Baba’s bhandara. So, we use the word Baba wherever possible, and while using it, Baba keeps responding, right? Yes, Baba will say, “Yes children, I am present.” That presence of Baba, especially when souls come for their spiritual recharging or whatever, they could experience that a lot. So, we can do it and others will also experience it, because it is spiritual families, for spiritual sharing, for spiritual progress. So even if it's, as Baba said, that we need facilities, but even while using you're not depending. Our intellect is with Baba, and there is a lot of health, Baba said, love, power and blessings at every step in our life.
Om Shanti