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The virtue of sweetness #1

Harmoniing_Sanskars_1 Mohini_Didi 04-01-2024

Om Shanti Everyone! It's so good to see the worldwide family Avyakti Parivar.  

Baba talks about different virtues being like fragrance in the flower. These days, there are beautiful flowers, very colorful, big, very good, but there is no fragrance. In India we have real roses. I think in England and Morocco, and other countries, you could just smell those roses. They don't look big, they are small, their petals are very soft but their fragrance is very good. I've been thinking about which virtue one should have and then vibration, the fragrance of those virtues.

In listening to and revising murli, Baba is talking about the virtue of love. Baba is saying if there is love there is no hard work, no laboring. It is because of the energy and the vibrations of love that everything is easy. Today the signal Baba is giving is of the virtue of sweetness. When there is love, you will be sweet naturally, in your drishti, your words, for everything you will be very sweet. When I'm experiencing God's love then I have love for the self, love for others then the quality of sweetness will be very natural. Otherwise, I try to be sweet, but internally I don't have any feelings. When you have natural feelings of love, others too feel it, definitely. Every virtue is a fragrance. Fragrance cannot be seen but it can definitely be experienced. You receive it, you take it. 

So far Avyakti signal or homework which Baba is giving us is the virtue of sweetness. When there is love, there is sweetness, there is gentleness. Baba is saying that you celebrate a meeting with Bapdada, but the greatest meeting is to harmonize sanskars amongst ourselves. When Baba says these sanskars are harmonized there will be cries or the sound of victory. For this imbibe the virtue of sweetness, don't speak sharp or any taunting words or words of criticism, because somewhere deep feelings get expressed and that is through words. We might not even notice that our words are more criticism than teachings. Are you trying to teach souls or do you criticize souls? Our nature should be as Baba said with the quality of sweetness. I think that many of us do observe ourselves and others to see if I have the sanskars of sweetness or gentleness. If I have, then every word we speak people can immediately relate to that word. They will like it. Otherwise even if learning is there, that natural learning where my sweetness, my love and all the qualities are increasing every day. Transformation is happening and will be happening when Baba gives us homework for that whole day. Keep remembering ‘I have to do this, this is what Baba has said’. The same day we could achieve a lot. Big transformation can happen and our awareness and attention on that virtue will be more consistent. Even if we know that we have practiced this virtue of sweetness so many times, today will be different. Today will be unique, so we take this opportunity that today is the day of virtue of sweetness. Responding, but in a very active way through your drishti, through your words, express sweetness.

Om Shanti !

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