Become_a_Victorious_Jewel_25 Mohini_Didi August 25, 2024
Om Shanti!
If one wants to dance constantly in happiness, one can do it, right? Internally, there is intoxication, we say Godly intoxication, Ishwariya nasha, but they also say Narayani nasha, what am I becoming? I am becoming Lakshmi and also the status of Narayan. So one is intoxication, and second is knowledge, or it could be meeting Baba. I remember my first meeting with Baba, it's like you are so overjoyed, or what we call supersensuous joy. How many of you have experienced supersensuous joy? Many of you, right? Actually we can do it more and more. Then when there is supersensuous joy, automatically your arms and your face, it's like what we call Ras. You are not jumping, it's just very smoothly, very gently, all parts of your body just move and you are in that blissful, joyful stage. So as the Avyakti signal is saying, that we dance in happiness. I remember that when we had ‘Peace of Mind’, which is happening again in October, when the Dadis would come at the end. Dadi Prakashmani then Dadi Janki, they will always dance in the end. I still am not able to do it, but they would dance, and when you ask people when they are ready to leave after seven days, what was the best experience? They said, “When the Dadis were dancing and we were dancing with them.” You had been serious for seven days and listening and reflecting, trying to practise, and then suddenly, whatever you have attained changes into joy and happiness. So that kind of memory, they always remember. So happiness definitely has a lot of big attainments. To remain happy all the time, because sometimes we become too serious, our face is not really very happy. So pay attention for 24 hours. Baba has given us time, the Avyakti signal is ‘dance in happiness’. So we saw Dadiji who really used to love to be with children and dance. Every time she was very happy, it’s super sensuous joy. So the Confluence Age is the age of happiness. At this time, all obstacles are hidden or bidden farewell for half the cycle, and so always remember that you are a victorious jewel of every kalpa. Let the drums of victory continue to beat in your heart. Just as the bugles of victory are blowing, are blown, in the same way, Baba says to make a connection with the Father through remembrance, and let these bugles constantly be playing. Baba said to let the dance of happiness continue within. So, I remember many times when we had just started going into trance, sometimes Baba used to say after a few years, children do Ras. We would get up easily, but now body consciousness has come, and intoxication is less. When there is intoxication, you just kind of get up and you want to dance or do the Ras, right? So for 24 hours, the Avyakti signal is the dance of happiness.
Om Shanti