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Giving Sakaash #10

 Giving_Sakaash_10                   Mohini_ Didi                   Jan 10, 2025   

Om Shanti!! Everyone Baba says we should have unlimited happiness because belonging to Baba getting knowledge and happiness is considered to be nourishment if you’re not happy even if you eat very healthy food it won’t help you but whatever you’re eating, eating with joy and internally be thankful for God that yes I am getting food Because in the world they say lot of world population is under starvation even for water there is not enough water so that is why one of the lesson I learned when we were in lokik family not to waste food, sometimes they used to tell us very you know strong stories That oh if you’ve thrown food then God will ask you and say you know blind you and say Okay pick up every grain of food so in our life every moment, be thankful and happy very good, God has given us everything not only that but getting spiritual birth adopted by God being his children in this birth at confluence age it’s not something ordinary sometimes in Brahme and life, we take it as Something is very ordinary, but it’s not, so be happy all the time. Yeah all the time and Baba saying, unlimited happiness how many of you remain unlimited happy Brother Ramprakash is raising hand who else I would also like to be unlimited happy but sometimes we become little serious right ohh we start thinking about something, but Baba says no be happy see benefit in every scene of drama, and then it will transform Baba is saying the intellect of others, their reasoning will also change so Baba is saying now give Sakaash to service and at the service of transforming intellect, you know understanding as created, sometimes there is lot of misunderstanding in relationship in and understanding can be created right how do we do that you know very simple way in the right words, not extra words just keep communicating whether someone else communicate or not but I do it so this love full for Dhristi communication definitely change the intellect. It’s very good service if we do it It’s subtle service. Give Sakaash to service and at the service of transforming intellect, because we do lot of service and we do have lot of interest in doing service, but whatever more is needed in service this what Baba is telling us then see both success will bow down to you automatically successful bow down to you automatically, obstacles that comes in service have benefit hidden behind the curtain of obstacles, behind the curtain of obstacles, simply remove the curtain with the power of your minds and words, remove the curtain with the power of your minds and words and you will see the scenes of benefit behind the curtains, because whenever there is obstacles, we remember Baba lot right, both ways remember Baba we talk to Baba. We try to be very powerful because storm will come if there is no damage right, you can’t stop right, can you tell storm please no, but damage shouldn’t be there so I think that we all have to create that stage now and not you can’t escape or avoid, lot of situation they come they’re fix in drama. Each one of us have to pass those test not only to be experience but for settling and to become strong, I always find we have to remind ourselves this is a little test I will pass Baba gives I like it when Baba says when situation is like mountain, make it like more mustard seed and blow it off. DadiGuljar always use to say no situation is bigger than you, that means you can handle, you can deal with it, you can make a change it and I definitely feel I will definitely see how we change that because thinking of everyone is so different right and everyone has their own logic But how do we match that logic your logic and mine become same and that’s call Harmony right, kind of acceptance let’s agree, I think that same even with the elements we can create very good relationship and one of definitely serving through the body and always through the thoughts creating very pure vibrations so elements are happy too Because when you’re walking this is beautiful, That is beautiful, this is not no. Let’s remember Baba so in the air what air is happy because your thoughts are very pure even if it’s not visible, but we are serving even elements so serving elements is through our vibrations doing karma yoga, sustaining the Yagya These days there are different types of service but in the beginning in Yagya for 14 years, there were no service like outside people come give Gyan, it was just how do we serve in Yagya within the Yagya so somebody will cut the wood, somebody will light the fire somebody will make chapati and they were so happy You have seen very big pots, these days our pots are not very big, how many people 12, 15 that also not at all the centers and somebody says big pots are there big pots are there, so why can’t we do it right so it’s just Yagya seva is very very important. It purifiers the element and creates a very good relationship with the Yagya where Yagya will sustain you, will protect you, will provide you will do, give lot of good experiences right, It’s very interesting when Baba says open the curtain of obstacles and you will see some benefit in that. Obstacles really has to go It has to go, but we want it to go early or something, but it will go no storm stays forever right so don’t be scared of obstacles and have firm faith and so one of the request Geetaben from LA had that if we all collectively can give Sakaash, they do yoga Bhatti from 10:30 to 12:30 during day so let us see how we plan that but only thing we could help from here is Sakaash and of course they are giving water bottles and food and other organization so even the family they’re planning to start giving that also our contributions towards our community. Om Shanti

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