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Feeling of Uplifting Others #23

Feelings_of_Uplifting_Others_23                Mohini_Didi              July 23, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone is a world emperor, big heart, generous heart, and treasure stores full. As much as emperors or kings were donors, they were very wise also. One of the main powers the king had was the power of judgment, the power to discern, and then to judge. Most unsolved situations will always come to the king, so the king finally has to say what the action should be. There are so many stories, which you all must have read or heard, that one of the main powers they had was the power to discern. So, with knowledge, we come to know what is right and what is wrong. So it’s the power to discern. One is to give to the needy poor ones, but if there are any rich ones, they also want to keep taking, but is it a real need or is it because of greed too? I remember once Baba said that when you start giving knowledge, you have to see if that person is the right candidate to get the knowledge. If you are giving the knowledge and that person is not taking anything, then why do you have to continue? Your time is wasted, your energy is wasted. So up to a certain point, you continue. Otherwise, there are general sessions, general lectures, and you let that person attend that. You don’t say, “You don’t come.”  So there are so many things when it comes to giving, but giving is based on the worthiness, the merits. Is the person really using knowledge in a proper way? So all this power to discern is an important quality of a king. Baba is saying that the king also has his advisors. The king will always listen to them, then finally he will do what he wants to do. Baba is saying that at this time, there is a need for such a group of those who uplift others. There should be a group, those who discuss, then come to a conclusion, then decide what should be done. Those who are bestowers, who give to others, are just as kings who are full, who always give to their subjects. Whenever there is a famine or any kind of scarcity, then kings open the treasure stores and distribute. Actually, the king's treasure store, in a way, belongs to the subjects. It comes to them as inheritance, or it can also be revenue collection, and whatever way they get from the subjects. So Baba says that the hands of the king that are full are never hands that take, but hands that give. So you children are the ones who play the parts of bestowers and emperors of heaven. Those sanskars emerge in you from now. It is interesting, emperors of the Golden Age, there are no emperors here. There used to be kings, but now we don‘t have any kings. So we think of the Golden Age, those sanskars of the Golden Age, your satopradhan intellect, your satopradhan stage. So it’s not just emerging the sanskars of bestower, but of the Golden Age. I think this needs some reflection. We will churn on that, and do our homework for tomorrow. Then we will see how we feel about being a world emperor. 

Om Shanti

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