Embodiment_of_Success_10 Mohini_Didi November 10, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Is everyone okay? Reflecting, churning on what is that ‘One Strength and One Support’! Whenever there are adverse situations, obstacles, calamities, continue to maintain the firm determination that Baba is the One who is my strength and my support. We maintain two things during that situation. One is remembrance of Baba, as Baba said, “I help”, but the other is serving through the mind. Today, Baba is saying even for two minutes, five minutes, share God's love, God's strength, God's support with others. Now our safety, our security, one is of course for the self, and the second is for others. I'm seeing that Baba’s strength and Baba’s support can help us more. I have to be victorious but everyone has to be victorious. So what you will get from Baba, will not be just strength but support and definitely success. It's so interesting while listening to Avyakt BapDada in two Murlis previously, the thought was coming in my mind that we generally say let's remember Baba, but when you are serving others, Baba gives you more strength and Baba gives you more support. So mansa seva, as Baba said, even for two minutes, five minutes, even if you are busy, even if you are at work, you must do it. It's so interesting when you will do that then Baba's strength or as Baba said even the impossible becomes possible. Whether it is a calamity of fire or calamity of earthquake or drought or flood, or calamity in the form of people's nature, different situations. So whatever happens, just keep giving good wishes, just keep remembering, who is my strength? My strength is One Baba. So it's not only One Baba, my strength is Baba, my support is Baba. This awareness is very important. So Baba is saying that no matter how many obstructions come, you have been receiving success on the basis of ‘One Strength and One Support’. Baba is saying you will continue to receive it. When you have the company of Almighty Authority Father, all those trivial things end in such a way that it is as though they never existed. Even the impossible becomes possible, because you have become the children of Almighty Authority. So all the things prove to be like pulling a hair out of the butter. Mamma always used to give this example in the midst of whatever conflict, of any situation, but if you remember Baba, you will feel that you have been able to pull whatever situation is, you come out of that in the same way as a hair will come out of butter. Another example that Mamma used to give us a lot is that when a ship will pass in the ocean, they call it a line in the water. You can never draw a line in the water. Anything you see, a big storm or something, after the ship has passed, but within a few minutes you don't see it. They say that you cannot draw a line in the water. This is the same as the hair from butter. These are very good examples to remember, that we all have to use ‘One Strength, One Support’ and see the impossible become possible. The awareness has to be ‘One Strength and One Support’.
Om Shanti