Treasure_of_Hapiness_24 Mohini_Didi May 24, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Is everyone ok? Yes, while listening our understanding increases, but also while listening it’s very important to look at yourself; observe, check, and change. Just be attentive, am I the embodiment of serenity? You will find everything easy, no complications. Internally, if there are still traces of vices, a little bit of jealousy, a little bit of competition, a little bit of comparison, these traces of sanskars, then our nature cannot be serene. So purity, Baba says viceless means all virtuous. So when we pay attention, we will know why these words come out, why I say that there must be sanskars, and behind the sanskars, there must be a negative trace. So how do we completely make ourselves free from those traces? By paying attention, the best method really is to check yourself and change those thoughts, because it begins with the thoughts. It is good to have a good intellect. We don't have to be clever with Baba, we have to be very simple. Baba himself is the Lord of innocence. Baba is called Bholenath. It’s not in His nature to see those traces. He is called the Ocean of Love, the Ocean of Peace, the Ocean of Knowledge. It is very interesting to look at Baba as the Lord of innocence, but also the Ocean and the Bestower for the whole world family. Actually, His capacity to bestow is because of his innocence, because innocent is a very big power. Innocent people, sometimes nice people also sometimes look at the innocent because they do not try to show that we are clever. I know everything, it's very subtle ego. I always write, it’s a blessing, but why should I try to have a subtle ego about that? Be aware that God’s gifts have been given to you. You have good intellect. You have good everything, but then good nature is very important. Plus, you are an embodiment. Personality, the way you look, should be pleasant to many people. When we start giving talks to people, they think, “What are they going to talk about?", but then they start talking for one hour without looking at anything. They definitely know that they look innocent, but they are wise, they are master oceans of knowledge. So serenity does not mean that you are ignorant. You are master knowledgeable also, but pure knowledge, purity, has to be visible in your nature. By your nature, people will know how much knowledge you have, and how much love you have for others.
Baba is saying for us to practice tomorrow and be the embodiment of serenity. I will also say innocence. Let there be this specialty in your every thought and every word. Always have an easy nature, serene. So, Baba says to let your action always be very serene and be an embodiment that people should look at your personality and your interaction. Your activity should be very serene, and always follow the directions of only One. Look at who did what, and who said what, because then you start taking those sanskars in you. Have all relationships with the One, and have all attainments from the One. Have the easy practice of always being constant and stable with One. Always stay happy and share the treasure of happiness. Spread the waves of happiness into everyone. This is service, or seva. Service could be technical karma yoga, but here we are being an embodiment while doing everything. Actually, the majority of people observe us while doing actions, while coming in relationships, and then they observe naturally, they have influence on others. I know that in the kitchen, they always talk about washing pots. Tension could be there, but some remain very easy. It helps others, and then they become easy, then the task becomes easy. So every quality which you use in an interaction, while doing actions, you are serving many souls in a very beautiful way. Baba is calling this true service. Baba is saying that serenity is an important quality, knowing internally if you are following the directions of One. There is no confusion. I have to do everything based on Baba's shrimat. Remain stable in that, and when ideas arise, a lot of plans are created. Are they coming under the direction of shrimat? Following shrimat will bring stability in our stage. Baba knows that this Iron Age is tamopradhan, but Baba is establishing the Golden Age, so naturally when He has to select, we have to follow the teachings, not what efforts others are making. What efforts do I have to make? I am responsible for my own actions. My nature, my sanskars should be like my Baba. Then we can reveal Baba. The other one is that One is responsible, but I have to follow the teachings of Baba, so I can get love and become worthy, become an heir soul. Heir souls will always follow Baba. The aim is to be like the mother and father. It is a very beautiful thought, which we have to practice tomorrow. Be the embodiment of serenity. I like it because you don’t need to be very clever, right? We follow Baba’s Shrimat, and we do it with honor, we have to pass with honor. So be the embodiment of serenity.
Om Shanti